how can we help you with
BUILDING THE COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONHadath provides a highly efficient Build Operate and Transfer programme for organisations to equip them with the required skills and functions to achieve communication effectiveness.STAKEHOLDERS MAPPINGHadath can undertake a focused mapping and audit of your audience and their influencers externally and internally to enable you to understand and engage them effectively.STRATEGY DEVELOPMENTAt the beginning of your campaign, Hadath will work with you to produce a corporate communications strategy for the successful delivery of your core messages and narratives.MESSAGING NARRATIVE DEVELOPMENTHadath Messaging Workshops will help you develop a set of clear and concise key messages, enabling you to speak the same language in internal and external communication and drive your organisation towards a common goal.MEDIA TRAININGHadath is specialised in offering media, presentation, public speaking and speech training, as well as executive coaching, to enhance your verbal and non-verbal communication skills for media interviews, presentations and public speaking.CRISIS MANAGEMENTAt Hadath, we adopt a comprehensive approach to crisis communications that evaluates your organisation and designs the optimum solution that meets your requirements, deploying it through a system of training courses and simulation exercises.CONTENT DEVELOPMENTHadath considers content development a crucial step towards brand awareness and reputation. Our content development team can generate highly engaging editorial content and branded material capturing your vision, mission and values to present them in a way that resonates with your target audience groups.MEDIA RELATIONSThe Hadath media relations teams are experts in anticipating media interests and analysing media opportunities to engage you with the right media and ensure extensive coverage of your programmes and activities.
INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONHadath will help you evaluate your internal stakeholders, develop the key messages, and identify the best approach to reach each stakeholder as well as measure the effectiveness of your engagement activities.PUBLIC OUTREACHThe Hadath §communication flow is a cyclical process that will enable you to reach out to your public audience through a series of steps, including Monitoring, Smart Report, Strategic Advisor support, Content Development, and Relationships.SOCIAL MEDIAWe will activate your social media channels to increase your genuine fan base, uplift engagement and foster two-way conversation, ultimately helping you identify trends and monitor your online performance.CREATIVEHadath will map your target audience journey, identifying all key brand contact points and develop the appropriate design concept. We will present conceptual direction and recommendations based on the understanding of key target groups and stakeholders as well as your business requirements.EVENTSHadath can support you with event management, right from venue selection, branding, web portal development, speech preparation and invitations, to venue setup, catering, registration and reception.
We will help you identify existing programmes that meet your strategic criteria, or design new programmes as required. Hadath will also develop the framework to integrate and amplify programmes as well as engage employees and partners.
Hadath in collaboration with our international partners will customise the right messages for your target international markets and support you in a range of areas, including media engagement.
EVALUATION AND REPORTINGOur evaluation and reporting process includes daily emails, weekly updates, monthly status reports, bimonthly reviews and annual full evaluation outputs, out-takes and outcomes.MEASURING SUCCESHadath regularly assesses and reports the outcome per phase or project campaign to evaluate the return on investment, identify gaps and areas of improvement, and determine the way forward.